new InstrumentSettings()


Default port settings for MIDI-OUT tuning methods; each out port has its own settings



pb :Object


Pitch Bend method settings namespace

Name Type Description
channels Object

FTs & HTs multichannel polyphony management

Name Type Description
ft Object

Multichannel polyphony for FTs

Name Type Description
used Array.<midichan>

Sorted array containing the FT used channel numbers

held Object.<midinnum, HeldChannel>

Object containing the FT busy channel; key is the original Controller MIDI Note number. Init value must be an empty Object.

last midichan

Number of the last held FT channel. Init value must be a -1.

ht Object

Multichannel polyphony for HTs

Name Type Description
used Array.<midichan>

Sorted array containing the HT used channel numbers

held Object.<midinnum, HeldChannel>

Object containing the HT busy channels; keys are the original Controller MIDI Note number. Init value must be an empty Object.

heldOrder Array.<midichan>

Array of channel numbers, sorted according to the held order. Init value must be an empty Array.

last midichan

Number of the last held HT channel. Init value must be a -1.

range Object

Namespace for pitchBend sensitivity settings

Name Type Description
ft number

PitchBend sensitivity for FT channels

ht number

PitchBend sensitivity for HT channels

delay Object

Namespace for setting the delay between the PitchBend and Note-ON messages

Name Type Description
ft number

Delay for FT channels (milliseconds)

ht number

Delay for HT channels (milliseconds)

voicestealing Object

Namespace for voice stealing management ON/OFF (now stealing is always ON)

Name Type Description
ft boolean

Voice stealing ON/OFF for FT channels

ht boolean

Voice stealing ON/OFF for HT channels

gm boolean

General MIDI ON/OFF (when 'true', avoid channel 10) - CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED


mts :Object


MIDI Tuning Standard method settings namespace - CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED


selected :'pb'|'mts'


Selected MIDI-OUT Tuning Method for this port;
'pb' is PitchBend method, 'mts' is MIDI Tuning Standard method

'pb' | 'mts'