* This file is part of HARMONICARIUM, a web app which allows users to play
* the Harmonic Series dynamically by changing its fundamental tone in real-time.
* It is available in its latest version from:
* https://github.com/IndustrieCreative/Harmonicarium
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 by Walter Mantovani (http://armonici.it).
* Written by Walter Mantovani.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* globals HUM */
"use strict";
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
* The H-Stack class<br>
* A tool for visualize the Harmonic Series in the UI
// @old icSYNTH
HUM.Hstack = class {
* @param {HUM.DHC} dhc - The DHC instance to which it belongs
constructor(dhc) {
* The DHC instance
* @member {HUM.DHC}
this.dhc = dhc;
* H-Stack table font size
* @member {integer}
this.fontSize = 20;
* An array containing all the used Harmonic/Subharmonic in the controller Keymap
* @member {Array.<xtnum>}
this.usedHT = [];
* The state of the H-Stack; if `false`, it is turned off.
* @member {boolean}
this.active = false;
* UI HTML elements
* @member {Object}
* @property {Object.<string, HTMLElement>} fn - Functional UI elements
* @property {Object.<string, HTMLElement>} out - Output UI elements
this.uiElements = {
fn: {
checkboxHstack: this.dhc.harmonicarium.html.hstackTab[dhc.id].children[0],
hstackFTrow: document.getElementById("HTMLf_hstackFTrow"+dhc.id),
hstack_zoom: document.getElementById("HTMLf_hstack_zoom"+dhc.id),
out: {
hstack_fontsize: document.getElementById("HTMLo_hstack_fontsize"+dhc.id),
hstackHT: document.getElementById("HTMLo_hstackHT"+dhc.id),
rowsHT: {}
// Tell to the DHC that a new app is using it
this.dhc.registerApp(this, 'updatesFromDHC', 102);
// =======================
} // end class Constructor
// ===========================
* Initialize the UI elements
_initUI() {
let zoomVal = this.fontSize;
// Init H Stack zoom with default value
this.uiElements.fn.hstack_zoom.value = zoomVal;
this.uiElements.out.hstack_fontsize.style.fontSize = zoomVal + "px";
this.uiElements.fn.hstack_zoom.setAttribute("data-tooltip", zoomVal + "px" );
// Add an EventListener to the zoom slider
this.uiElements.fn.hstack_zoom.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
window.requestAnimationFrame( () => {
this.fontSize = e.target.value;
this.uiElements.out.hstack_fontsize.style.fontSize = e.target.value + "px";
this.uiElements.fn.hstack_zoom.setAttribute("data-tooltip", e.target.value + "px");
// Disable the hstack fill & animation if the accordion Synth tab is closed
this.uiElements.fn.checkboxHstack.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
if (e.target.checked === true) {
this.active = true;
} else {
this.active = false;
// Turn off all the tones currently active, if there are
for (let htNum of this.usedHT) {
this.playFx("ht", 0, htNum);
this.playFx("ft", 0, this.dhc.settings.ht.curr_ft);
* Manage and route an incoming message
* @param {HUM.DHCmsg} msg - The incoming message
updatesFromDHC(msg) {
if (msg.cmd === 'init') {
if (msg.cmd === 'panic') {
if (msg.cmd === 'update') {
if (msg.type === 'ft') {
} else if (msg.type === 'ht' && this.active) {
} else if (msg.type === 'ctrlmap') {
} else if (msg.cmd === 'tone-on' && this.active) {
if (msg.type === 'ft') {
// this.fillin();
this.playFx('ft', 1, msg.xtNum);
} else if (msg.type === 'ht') {
if (msg.xtNum !== 0) {
this.playFx("ht", 1, msg.xtNum);
} else if (msg.cmd === 'tone-off' && this.active) {
if (msg.type === 'ft') {
this.playFx("ft", 0, msg.xtNum);
} else if (msg.type === 'ht') {
if (msg.xtNum !== 0) {
this.playFx("ht", 0, msg.xtNum);
* Create the H-Stack HTML table
// @old icHSTACKcreate
create() {
let dhcID = this.dhc.id,
hstackContainer = this.uiElements.out.hstackHT,
hstackTable = document.createElement("table");
hstackTable.className = "dataTable";
hstackTable.innerHTML = `
<th colspan="4">Harmonics</th>
<tr class="hstackHeader">
<th width="13%" class="hstackHT_h">HT</th>
<th width="15%" class="hstackHT_note">note</th>
<th width="30%" class="hstackHT_cents">cents</th>
<th width="42%" class="hstackHT_hz">Hz</th>
<!-- Here the HT rows -->`;
this.uiElements.out.rowsHT = {};
for (let htNum of this.usedHT) {
let newRow = new this.HstackRow(htNum, dhcID);
this.uiElements.out.rowsHT[htNum] = newRow;
if (hstackContainer.firstChild) {
* Update the {@link HUM.Hstack#usedHT} property
updateUsedHT() {
let usedHT = [];
for (let key of Object.keys(this.dhc.tables.ctrl)) {
let ht = this.dhc.tables.ctrl[key].ht;
if (ht !== 129 && ht !== 0) {
// Sort the array from max to min
usedHT.sort( (a, b) => { return b - a; } );
// Store in the global var the uniquified version of the array useful to this.fillin
this.usedHT = this.dhc.constructor.uniqArray(usedHT);
* Turns off all the rows
allNotesOff() {
for (let htNum of this.usedHT) {
this.playFx("ht", 0, htNum);
this.playFx("ft", 0, this.dhc.settings.ht.curr_ft);
* Fill-in the H-Stack table data
// @old icHSTACKfillin
fillin() {
// Empty object to store the HTn data
let htObj = {};
// For every HT used in the Controller Keymap (this.dhc.tables.ctrl)
for (let htNum of this.usedHT) {
// If it's not 0 (piper)
if (htNum !== 0) {
// Read 'mc' and 'hz' data of the HTn from 'ht table'
htObj = this.dhc.tables.ht[htNum];
// Apply the controller pitchbend (if present) to the array
htObj = this.dhc.bendXtone(htObj);
// Get the array containing the standard note name info and +/- cents
let notename = this.dhc.mcToName(htObj.mc),
name = notename[0],
sign = notename[1],
cent = notename[2];
// Print the infos to the UI HStack
this.uiElements.out.rowsHT[htNum].elemHtNum.innerText = htNum;
this.uiElements.out.rowsHT[htNum].elemNote.innerText = name;
this.uiElements.out.rowsHT[htNum].elemCents.innerText = sign + cent;
this.uiElements.out.rowsHT[htNum].elemHz.innerText = htObj.hz.toFixed(this.dhc.settings.global.hz_accuracy);
* Print the data about the FT at the bottom of the H-Stack
* @param {xtnum} ftNum - The FT number
ftMonitor(ftNum) {
let dhcID = this.dhc.id;
let ftObj = this.dhc.tables.ft[ftNum];
// Apply the controller pitchbend (if present) to the array
ftObj = this.dhc.bendXtone(ftObj);
let notename = this.dhc.mcToName(ftObj.mc),
name = notename[0],
sign = notename[1],
cent = notename[2],
hzAccuracy = this.dhc.settings.global.hz_accuracy;
// Update the log on HSTACK FT info on the UI
document.getElementById("HTMLo_hstackFT_tone"+dhcID).innerText = ftNum;
document.getElementById("HTMLo_hstackFT_note"+dhcID).innerText = name;
document.getElementById("HTMLo_hstackFT_cents"+dhcID).innerText = sign + cent;
document.getElementById("HTMLo_hstackFT_hz"+dhcID).innerText = ftObj.hz.toFixed(hzAccuracy);
* Turn ON or OFF the rows of the H-Stack
* @param {tonetype} type - If the note to turn ON/OFF is a FT or HT
* @param {0|1} state - Note ON/OFF; 0 is OFF, 1 is ON
* @param {xtnum} xtNum - FT or HT number
// @old icHSTACKmonitor
playFx(type, state, xtNum) {
let dhcID = this.dhc.id;
if (type === "ft") {
// Note ON
if (state === 1) {
// Recreate the element to force the css animation
let old = this.uiElements.fn.hstackFTrow;
let parent = old.parentNode;
let clone = old.cloneNode(true);
parent.insertBefore(clone, old);
this.uiElements.fn.hstackFTrow = clone;
// Write the FM at the bottom of the hstack
// Note OFF
} else if (state === 0) {
if (this.dhc.settings.ht.curr_ft === xtNum) {
} else if (type === "ht") {
// If is a normal HT (it's not HT0)
if (xtNum !== 0) {
// Only if the HT is mapped in the keymap
if (this.usedHT.includes(xtNum)) {
let htmlElem = this.uiElements.out.rowsHT[xtNum].elemRow;
// let htmlElem = document.getElementById("HTMLf_hstackHTrow_h"+xtNum+"_"+dhcID);
// Note ON
if (state === 1) {
// Note OFF
} else if (state === 0) {
* A HTML table's row for the H-Stack
HUM.Hstack.prototype.HstackRow = class {
* @property {xtnum} htNum - The number of HT
* @property {string} dhcID - The DHC instance id
constructor(htNum, dhcID) {
this.htNum = htNum;
this.dhcID = dhcID;
* The HTML row element
* @member {HTMLElement}
this.elemRow = document.createElement("tr");
this.elemHtNum = document.createElement("td");
this.elemNote = document.createElement("td");
this.elemCents = document.createElement("td");
this.elemHz = document.createElement("td");
this.elemRow.className = "HToff";
this.elemHtNum.className = "hstackHT_h";
this.elemNote.className = "hstackHT_note";
this.elemCents.className = "hstackHT_cents";
this.elemHz.className = "hstackHT_hz";
this.elemRow.id = `HTMLf_hstackHTrow_h${htNum}_${dhcID}`;
this.elemHtNum.id = `HTMLo_hstackHT_h${htNum}_${dhcID}`;
this.elemNote.id = `HTMLo_hstackHT_note${htNum}_${dhcID}`;
this.elemCents.id = `HTMLo_hstackHT_cents${htNum}_${dhcID}`;
this.elemHz.id = `HTMLo_hstackHT_hz${htNum}_${dhcID}`;
this.elemHtNum.innerText = "htNum";
this.elemRow.append(this.elemHtNum, this.elemNote, this.elemCents, this.elemHz);